Sunday, May 17, 2009


so we flew back to dublin from edinburgh. were here in dublin for a couple of days. we fly back home tomorrow. we've had a really good time and have seen and done things we'll remember for the rest of our lives but i must say i think we are ready to go home now. we miss all of you! and we miss samson!!
yesterday we went to the guinness brewery. i dont like beer but its interesting to see how they make it. you even get to taste barley after they roast it. kinda taste like coffee.
in part of the brewery they had a bunch of guinness memorabilia mostly from the 50's but also much earlier.
ANOTHER thing that was really interesting that we learned is that guinness beer and the guinness book of wrld records are connected. a long time ago, the owner of guinness was out hunting game bird with some friends and they were argueing which was the fastest game bird. then they thought there are people sitting around pubs having these kind of debates all the time and thought it would be great if all the "fastest, biggest, etc" stuff was in one book. and so he created the guinness book of world records.


those white things are where the beer matures

on of the guinness slogans was "a guinness a day" and it actually came about because doctors were actually prescribing it to people.

they had some bottles from the 1800's

ok so its really late at night and i wrote this blog from our hotel room in dublin. were flying out tomorrow morning. please be praying for us. ill be blogging more about our trip home. im finally caught up on blogs so sorry i had to post so many at one time.

love you all

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