We were in the town of Kilkenny. It was a cool little town and had a lot of history in it. There was a giant castle we took a tour of. It was owned by a family named the Butlers. They lived in the house for 600 years. The house inside was beautiful. we werent aloud to take pictures but we tried to when we could. the castle was HUGE and had hundreds of rooms. it had a huge lawn as well that was i dont how many acres huge. and in the inside each room was decorated as a different era in which the family lived in. this house made me want to live in a fancy castle/mansion :).
we also went to the church that was in the town as well. the butlers are buried there in the old church.
we found a papa johns pizza place in the city and it was one of the best meals i had eaten on this trip so far!

the front of the castle

the lawn the castle faces

the "backyard" of the castle

front gates

view from the castle. the castle is right on a river

a ballroom in the castle that has a ton of family portraits throughout the 600 years

we are breaking 2 rules in this picture: 1. no coffee allowed and 2. no cameras

the church

ok thats all for kilkenny castle!
love you all
i love the castles!!!