Next we stayed in a town called Cork. We didnt take too many pictures because honestly there wasnt really much to take pictures of. it wasnt really scenic or pretty. not to mention it seemed like in a lot of areas it was kinda sketchy at night accept the street we were on. It was bigger than other towns weve been to. they were definetly trying to lean towards a modern newer kind of irish town. it kind of reminded of a mixed between downtown san luis and san francisco with lots of irish pubs! it was kind of a young party town. We stayed in a hostel that was half hostel and half bar... atually it was more bar probably. We met some young irish people and had a lot of fun hanging out with them. They took us to a new club in town. it was weird. we also roomed with a couple from from who were me and adams age. we met a lot of people in this town. everyone in the hostel just hangs out at the bar and gets to know one another.
ok randomly heres a couple weird things about eastern europe i've noticed:
1. they dont have toilet seat covers ever.. anywhere
2. people get married at like 30 and up so everyone is blown away me and adam are married and think were crazy.
so heres some pics and a video. o wait scratch the video i cant get it to load. maybe later

the place we stayed at.

bar inside of our hostel

this was really creepy! it was an old gypsy woman(far left) and these weird dalls she rigged somehow to move electronically and play music and dance. one of them was like a giant troll doll(2nd on the left) and the other three were giant barbies. so scary! and she played a cassette player so it was like they were playing. we couldnt resist oursleves.

there was a river that ran through the city

us at a super weird club in a theatre.
love you all
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